We would love to have you join us on a Sunday morning!

The information found on this page may be helpful to you and your family as you prepare to worship with us. We hope to see you soon!

What to expect

We are dedicated to keeping Christ at the heart of our worship. We look to his atoning death on the cross and resurrection from the dead as the central event in Scripture– indeed, it is through trust in Christ’s sacrifice that we find hope.

Our preaching and teaching are based solely on Scripture. We pray, sing scriptural songs and hymns, and partake of the Lord’s Table. We are dedicated to expository preaching, and to offering clear, practical and straight-forward personal application of the Scriptures.


When we gather, it is a family environment. Children 4-years and above participate in our full worship service. 3-year-olds participate in the beginning portion of musical worship and are then released to be taught God’s Word in an age-appropriate context in their classroom. Infants (6 weeks-1-year-olds) and toddlers (2-year-olds) can be checked into their respective classrooms before service begins and will be taught God’s Word in class during service. There is a mothers room off of the sanctuary for mothers with young infants.

During our Sunday evening service, childcare is provided for ages 6 weeks-12 years, broken into respective age groups. Our older age groups focus on catechisms during this time.