Building Use Request Building Use Request Name of Primary Event Contact(Required)First & Last Email(Required)Phone(Required)Please tell us about the organization you are representing, including the organization's website and contact information.(Required)Name of event:(Required)Requested date of event:(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Requested time of event:(Required) Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM Please select the pricing schedule that best describes your event:(Required) Small event, $25/hour (lobby only) Large event, $75/hour (lobby & sanctuary) Member of SCC Please indicate the date/time you plan to decorate/set up your event, if it is different from above dates/times:(Required)Expected number of attendance:(Required)Please provide details of what will take place at this event:(Required)Audio/Visual - Services are based on availability of SCC.(Required) Audio Only Visual Only Both Neither Post-Event clean-up (Members & Non-Members):(Required) I agree to SCC's cleaning policy. I understand that any spaces that I use must be ready for church services as soon as the next day. Therefore, I (including the organization I represent and any other associated persons) agree to clean and organize each space I am requesting to use after my event has concluded with reasonable standards of cleanliness, including sweeping/mopping if food/drink are utilized and removal of all garbage. I agree that if I fail to do so I will pay any associated cleaning fees, including materials, services, and labor. Facility use policies (Members & Non-Members):(Required) I agree to Steadfast Community Church facility use policies. I agree to abide by the following policies for using facilities of Steadfast Community Church: 1. Access to facility is restricted to requested area and restroom from time of entry to time of final lock-up. 2. Configuration of sanctuary must remain as is. 3. SCC equipment must be returned to original placement. 4. All lights must be turned off and doors locked upon departure. 5. Alcohol, smoking, and use of other mind-altering substances are prohibited on church property. 6. Abusive or foul language, violent behavior, and drug or alcohol abuse are strictly prohibited on SCC's premises. Any person exhibiting such behavior will be required to leave the premises. 7. Exit doors may not be covered, blocked, or restricted. 8. SCC must receive full payment for the event one week prior to event date. 9. A refundable deposit of $250 is required. The deposit will be returned upon a satisfactory inspection of the facility after the event has occurred. Members, email [email protected].Electronic Consent:(Required)In the above space, please type your full name as your consent to abide by all policies and pay all associated fees for the use of Steadfast Community Church's facilities for your event.